Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Minecraft - Basic Single Sticky Piston Hidden Door

Hey guys!

Thought today I would give you a quick tutorial for a basic Single Sticky Piston door.

(I have no idea what was going on in this little pond...)

Okay, first things first!

Build your door space. you want it 4 blocks high and 4 blocks across (But make sure you have a door spaced gap in there!):

Go around to the other side and add the sticky pistons on the longer side one space away from the door gap like so:

Add your blocks on front of the pistons. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will use purple for these blocks:

Put four blocks across the top of the piston so it looks like this:

Add one behind the top sticky piston:

Put Redstone on all those blocks!:

Stick a lever on the other side on the top left corner:

Ta-da! you now have a lever activated basic hidden door!:

I'll do another post on how to make it a lot more secret soon!

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